Lamp Shades

Handpainted silk lampshades. I used a variety of French dye to paint the design and then added a few twists to make them all different. Painting on silk is very labor intensive. First I prepare the silk by stretching on a frame and then select the dye and resists to create a variety of effects. The silk then goes through a 3 hour processing to set the dye..then it is washed and ironed before securing the silk to the shade.

Soon to be available on my ETSY shop…..

Published by Susan Lilly Designs

I live at the beach and spend my time in my studio or on the water. The ever-changing light and reflections are my inspiration. From sunrise to sunset it is ever-changing... I enjoy solitary time walking along the shore break picking up shells and driftwood. When walking I love how I leave my mind and daydream and let creative thoughts surface. Being on the water on my paddle board is a total immersion into nature...the green sea turtles surface and gulls screech and the herons stand like statues on the shore. What could be better?!! My art changes constantly: I'll concentrate on sea creatures for awhile then tropical flowers and then abstracts and then..... Right now I'm loving doing cover ups, Ruana/Caftans, kimono style jackets and sarongs/pareos. Most are silk and some are rayon. My line of clothing is perfect for resort wear and reflects the easy breezy life style of coastal living.

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